
2024 Rebel with a Cause Honorees

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Knollwood Awards

芭芭拉一个. Kirklauskas '60


While a student at Notre Dame Barbara was active in Glee Club, 在他们大三和大四的时候,与另一个同学分享班长的荣誉.  

从NDA毕业后,芭芭拉选择参加伍斯特州立学院,现在被称为伍斯特州立大学,在那里她获得了教育学学士学位和教育学硕士学位.  芭芭拉从1989年到1990年休了一年的教学假,到哈佛大学学习,在那里她获得了管理高级研究证书, Planning and Social Policy. 

由于芭芭拉对教育的热爱,她在初中和高中都担任了21年的数学老师,并担任了9年级的顾问.  她还担任过高中数学系主任和年鉴顾问. 在那之后的17年里,她先后在南高中社区学校和伯恩科特高中担任副校长.  Barbara also held interim positions as 主要 and City wide Math coordinator.

Before marrying in 1980, and continuing afterward, Barbara had a strong desire to travel. Together with her husband, they journeyed extensively across various regions, including the United States, 欧洲, 日本, 中国, and the Middle East. During their time in the Middle East, her husband worked as a Bentley University Professor in Bahrain.

After retiring, 芭芭拉通过支持Kirklauskas学者和InHer Circle演讲者系列等倡议,增加了她对世界杯app软件推荐的参与.  她还支持伍斯特州立大学的奖学金项目和他们的精神中心的发展. 另外, Barbara became active in church groups and joined the Milford Senior Center, where she pursued her passion for knitting and crocheting projects, donating them to various organizations.


Kerry McGuirk Wall ’94, P'24, P'25

Upon graduating from NDA,  Kerry  earned her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Northeastern University. She then came back home to live and work in the Worcester area.   Kerry’s professional career has been in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.  Kerry is currently a Senior Area Business Manager for Sanofi, Inc.  Kerry lives in Southborough with her husband Matthew and their 2 daughters: Finola- NDA-2024, Madelyn-NDA-2025 and Son: Martin- SJ-2028.  Kerry loves NDA and hopes to see this special place thrive for generations to come.  



Erin (McGuirk) Dobson '88

Erin (McGuirk) Dobson graduated from Notre Dame Academy in 1988. She continued her education at Merrimack College, earning her undergraduate degree in 1992. 随后, 她于2000年获得伍斯特州立学院(Worcester State College)的学校领导和教育管理硕士学位, followed by her doctorate in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in 2014.

Over the past three decades, Erin has dedicated her career to Worcester Public Schools. Initially, she worked as a classroom teacher and assistant principal. For the past 13 years, she has served as the principal of Tatnuck Magnet School. 另外, Erin works as an Adjunct Professor at Worcester State University, contributing to the education of future leaders in the field.

Throughout her professional journey, Erin's contributions to the Worcester community have been recognized. She has been honored twice with the Worcester Public School’s Thomas Jefferson Award. In 2015, she was among the recipients of the Richard Greene Founders Award, acknowledging her collaboration as part of the One City, One Library initiative.

Erin was inducted into Notre Dame’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2017. 在过去的31个赛季中,她继续通过在每场主场比赛中运行篮球时钟来与学校社区建立联系. Erin serves on the board of Joe Schwartz Little League as Treasurer of the organization. 

Erin resides in Worcester with her husband Eric and son Teddy.  She is proud to be receiving the Knollwood Award alongside her sister, Kerry (McGuirk) Wall ‘94. She considers Notre Dame Academy part of her large extended family.

Kathryn Tsandikos '76

Kathryn Tsandikos, an alumna of Notre Dame Academy '76, and Boston College '80 is a woman of community service and entrepreneurial spirit.

她是亚历克西斯和索伦·凯莱赫的骄傲和忠诚的母亲,也是亚历克西斯两个儿子的祖母, 里德和AJ, 4 and 2 respectively.  She is married to Harry Kokkinis.

凯瑟琳的影响超出了她的家庭,因为她继续奉献和关心她在科尼岛的宝贵员工, many of whom have worked there for years. 她非常自豪能够指导她的员工,为员工和客户创造一个关心和友好的环境. In 2016 She was selected as One of Worcester's Leading Ladies by Worcester Magazine.

Kathryn attends St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral, where she has been a member of the choir for numerous years.  她也是希腊艺术协会的董事会成员,也是Ecotarium和Greater Worcester Community Foundation的前任合伙人.  

凯瑟琳遵循着父母灌输给她的对精神和社区服务的热爱, Joana and Father Solon Tsandikos.  

Most recently she took up a new role as author, publishing  "2 Up and a Bag of Chips", a story of Worcester through the lens of her family business.

For four decades,  Kathryn has worked at George's Coney Island, 将其发展成为一家多元化的企业,2021年将在极地公园开设小卖部,2023年将推出美食车.

Kathryn is grateful to be honored by her alma mater, 她认为这是为了培养对社区的承诺,而社区的种子是由“行动中的爱”播下的.


The Lauring Family

The Lauring family's bond with Notre Dame Academy (NDA) spans over half a century, embodying a legacy deeply rooted in dedication and service. Across three generations, the Laurings have played pivotal roles within the NDA community, leaving an indelible mark on its history and ethos. From Raymond Lauring to John Lauring, Maryanne Lauring Seibold '79, 大卫Seibold, and Michael Lauring, the family's lineage has graced the board of trustees, offering wisdom and guidance to shape NDA's trajectory. Their collective wisdom has been instrumental in steering the institution towards excellence.

The Laurings have enjoyed the privilege of collaborating with five consecutive principals, lending their expertise and unwavering support to uphold NDA's mission. Through their commitment to service, they have cultivated a culture of resilience and empowerment within the school's halls. 此外, the Lauring legacy extends beyond governance, with eight remarkable women graduating from NDA under their guidance. Liz Lauring stands as a beacon of volunteerism, dedicating over a decade to enriching the school community through her selfless contributions.

As long-time advocates of NDA's values, 劳伦家族始终坚定不移地致力于培养年轻女性的全面发展. They champion NDA's mission to educate and empower individuals on cognitive, 精神上的, and personal fronts within a Catholic framework. With unwavering pride, the Lauring family continues to support NDA's transformative journey, ensuring that future generations of women emerge as compassionate, 聪明的, and empowered leaders. 他们的不朽遗产体现了家庭奉献精神和集体远见在为所有人塑造更光明的未来方面的深远影响.

Society of the 艺术

Elizabeth Kit Lore ’79                                                      *已故 

After graduating from Notre Dame Academy, 伊丽莎白曾就读于卡内基梅隆大学,获得机械工程和法语及法语研究学位. 她精通多种语言,曾就读于洛桑联邦理工学院, 瑞士.

她在欧洲的工程和商业运营方面拥有丰富的职业生涯,并晋升为执行董事会领导职位, including at the David Brown Group, 在那里,她负责移动设备驱动器的全球营销和企业业务发展战略. She later built her own successful company, Marketing Analytics Ltd, based in the United Kingdom. 

Simultaneously, while building her corporate client portfolio, 她获得了英国特许市场营销学会的市场营销和数字营销研究生学位. 

Despite being an exceptional business leader, Liz wanted to delve more into her creative interests, so she left the corporate world behind to start an exciting journey to explore the art world. 她在英国伯恩茅斯艺术大学完成了美术学位,挑战了她对绘画和主题日益增长的理解. 丽兹在艺术表现领域蓬勃发展,并继续成为一名有成就的绘画艺术家, 版画, and photography. While in 欧洲, she exhibited in shows in Budapest, Hungary as well as in Salisbury, 伯恩茅斯, 和伦敦, UK.

While painting, 她继续追求她对语言学的热爱,在新斯科舍省的圣安妮大学获得了法国文学和语言学学位, 加拿大.

She also exhibited in Nova Scotia in Galerie Trécarré in Church Point, Annapolis Royal, 熊河, and Sandy Cove.
利兹是安纳波利斯地区社区艺术委员会的前任董事会成员,也是Les 艺术 de la Baie和视觉艺术新斯科舍省的成员. To create an ever-changing natural canvas for her artistic eye to capture, she became an avid gardener. She designed beautiful seasonal gardens and knew the Latin nomenclature of plants, 树, 和鲜花. 

Liz passed away on September 18, 2022, after a courageous yearlong fight against Stage IV Cancer. She was truly a remarkable leader, fearless in her pursuit of experiencing the world around her, understanding what is truly important in life, and sharing alternate cultural perspectives. 

 The Flagg Family

 When deciding where to send their three daughters to school, it was important   for John and
 Virginia Flagg to find a school that not only had an impeccable academic   reputation but also
 one that would provide their girls with a strong foundation of their Catholic   faith.


 The Flagg family has a long-standing history in the Worcester area with Mr.   Flagg serving as the President of the David Clark Company, a Worcester   institution, for 31 years before his retirement. Mr. 和夫人. Flagg were   generous  to the community that brought them so much and
 were honored to fund the John and Virginia Flagg Gallery at Notre Dame   Academy. 他们的目标是与后代的学生分享巴黎圣母院的艺术和美丽.



而奥. 和夫人. Flagg are no longer with us, the family is honored to be chosen for this
award and are delighted to see that the vision of their parents and grandparents lives on at 
Notre Dame Academy.